Bolzano Vicentino (VI)
The headquarters is strategically located in the heart of the North Est, in Bolzano Vicentino, and houses the management, offices and technicians specialized in traditional fuels. It enables the supervision of service station operations in northern Italy.
via dell'Artigianato, 25 - 36050 Bolzano Vicentino (VI) - Italy
Ph. +39 0444 352211 - fax +39 0444 352222
Alseno (PC)
The Alseno location, placed in the center of the Po Valley, is the operational unit dedicated to methane, LPG and CNG, the new frontier of energy for ability. It oversees the monitoring of service station operations in central Italy.
via Galileo Galilei, 183 - 29010 Alseno (PC) - Italy
Ph. +39 0523 652490
Trecastelli (AN)
The Trecastelli location, situated in the inland area of Senigallia, enables the monitoring of service station operations along the Adriatic coast.
lvia E. Tommasetti, 3/b - 60012 Trecastelli (AN) - Italy
Ph. +39 071 0972795
Cherasco (CN)
The location in Piedmont is centered on the handling and storage services of compressed gases and hydrogen H2.
via San Giovanni, 100 - 12062 Cherasco (CN) - Italy
Ph. +39 0172 1802248